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Acceptable Use Policy

Acceptable Use Policy

Reservation Telephone Cooperative (“RTC”) d.b.a. RTC Networks has formulated this Acceptable use Policy (“AUP”) in order to encourage the responsible use of RTC’s networks, systems, services, web sites and products (collectively, the “RTC Network and Services”) by our customers and other users of the RTC Network and Services (collectively, “Users”), and to enable us to provide Users with secure, reliable and productive services. By using the RTC Network and Services, Users consent to be bound by the terms of this AUP. RTC Networks reserves the right to modify this AUP in its discretion at any time. Such modifications will be effective when posted to RTC Networks’ website. Any use of the RTC Network and Services after such modification shall constitute acceptance of such modification.

General AUP. The provisions of this AUP are not meant to be exhaustive. Generally, conduct that violates law, regulation, or the accepted norms and ethics of the internet community or the community at large, whether or not expressly mentioned in this AUP, is prohibited. RTC reserves the right at all times to prohibit activities that damage RTC’s commercial reputation and goodwill or affect the quality of RTC Network and Services or RTC’s ability to provide service. RTC reserves the right to terminate any account or service without cause or prior notice.

Suspension; Termination. Any User which RTC determines to have violated any element of this AUP may be subject to a suspension or termination of service. RTC will suspend service for violation of the AUP on the most limited basis as RTC determines is reasonably practical under the circumstances to address the underlying violation. RTC will attempt to notify User prior to suspending service for violation of the AUP (which may be via email or any other notification); provided, however, RTC may suspend service without notice if RTC becomes aware of a violation of any applicable law or regulation or activity, including but not limited to the violation of the AUP, that exposes RTC to criminal or civil liability or that exposes the network or RTC customers’ network or property to harm. Such harm to a network may include, but is not limited to, risk of having an IP address placed on blacklists. RTC may take such further action as RTC determines to be appropriate under the circumstances to eliminate or preclude repeat violations, and RTC shall not be liable for any damages of any nature suffered by any User, or any third party resulting in whole or in part from RTC’s exercise of its rights under this AUP.

User agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless RTC and its affiliates, suppliers, and agents against all claims and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) resulting from any violation of this AUP. User’s indemnification will survive any termination of the Subscriber Agreement.

Limitation of Responsibility. Through RTC Network and Services User will use networks or access information and other services that RTC does not own or control. RTC is not responsible in any manner for the content or accuracy of information or services from sources that RTC does not control. RTC reserves the right to remove or restrict access to any material that RTC believes is illegal, that may subject RTC to liability, or that violates this AUP or any other RTC policy. If User has any questions regarding this AUP, User may contact RTC at


A.  RTC Network and Services is for Users use only and may not be resold or shared with others without authorization from RTC. If User is found sharing or reselling RTC Network and Services without authorization from RTC including, but not limited to, wireless access:

    1. First offense – User will be sent an email requesting they correct the matter immediately. If the matter is not corrected immediately User’s services will be shut off until the matter is resolved or terminated.
    2. Second offense – User’s services will be terminated permanently.

B.  Unlimited access is to be used as active time on the Internet. User is not to log onto the Internet and leave their computer unattended. If RTC has reason to believe a User is logging onto the Internet and leaving the computer unattended RTC has the option of putting a cut-off time on a User account. The User will then have to log back on, to continue using the internet.

C.  Each RTC customer is responsible for the activities of its users and, by accepting service from RTC, is agreeing to abide by this policy and ensure that anyone who uses the services provided abide by this policy. Complaints about customers or end-users of RTC will be forwarded to the RTC abuse department for action. If violations of the RTC Acceptable Use Policy occur, RTC reserves the right to terminate services with or take action to stop the offending customer from violating this AUP as RTC deems appropriate, without notice.

Prohibited Conduct.

A.  In General. The RTC Network and Services must be used in a manner that is consistent with the intended purpose of the RTC Network and Services and may be used only for lawful purposes. Users shall not use the RTC Network and Services in order to transmit, distribute or store material: (a) in violation of any applicable law or regulation, including export or encryption laws or regulations; (b) that may adversely affect the RTC Network and Services or other RTC customers; or (c) that may expose RTC to criminal or civil liability. Users are prohibited from facilitating the violation of any part of this AUP or another provider’s AUP, including, but not limited to transmitting, distributing, or otherwise making available any product or service that violates this AUP or another provider’s AUP.

B.  Inappropriate Content. Users shall not use the RTC Network and Services to transmit, distribute or store material that is inappropriate, as reasonably determined by RTC, or material that is obscene (including child pornography), defamatory, libelous, threatening, abusive, hateful, excessively violent or otherwise inappropriate, regardless of whether this material or its dissemination is unlawful.

C.  Intellectual Property. Material accessible through the RTC Network and Services may be subject to protection under privacy, publicity, or other personal rights and Intellectual Property rights, including but not limited to, copyrights and laws protecting patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other proprietary information. Users shall not use the RTC Network and Services in any manner that would infringe, dilute, misappropriate, or otherwise violate any such rights. If you use a domain name in connection with any of the RTC Network and Services, you must not use that domain name in violation of the trademark, service mark, or other rights of any third party.

D.  Harmful Content/Use. Users shall not use the RTC Network and Services to transmit, distribute or store material that may be harmful to or interfere with the RTC Network and Services or any third party’s networks, systems, services, or web sites. Such prohibited harmful content includes, but is not limited to, viruses, worms, or Trojan horses. Additionally, RTC Network and Services shall not be used to access or interfere with any other person’s computer or computer system, software, or data without their knowledge and consent; breach the security of another user; or attempt to circumvent the user authentication or security of any host, network, or account. This includes, but is not limited to,accessing data not intended for User, logging into or making use of a server or account User is not expressly authorized to access, or probing the security of other hosts, networks, or accounts.

E.  Fraudulent/Misleading Content. Users shall not use the RTC Network and Services to transmit or distribute material containing fraudulent offers for goods or services, or any advertising or promotional materials that contain false, deceptive, or misleading statements, claims, or representations. In addition, Users are prohibited from submitting any false or inaccurate data on any order form, contract or online application, including the fraudulent use of credit cards.

F.  Email and Unsolicited Messages. Users of RTC Network and Services may not: (a) send a harassing or unwanted solicitation by email; (b) send the same (or substantially similar) unsolicited email message to an excessive number of recipients (“Spamming”); (c) send multiple unwanted email messages to the same address, or send any email that provokes a complaint to RTC from the recipient; (d) continue to send email to a specific address after the recipient or RTC has requested user to stop such transmissions; (e) falsify User’s email address, or any other identification information, while using RTC Network and Services; (f) use email to originate chain emails or originate or forward pyramid- type schemes; (g) use a mail server to relay or intercept email without the express permission of the owner, or operate a mail server to relay or intercept email; or (h) place User’s website address, which User has hosted through RTC, on unsolicited commercial messages. RTC reserves the right to cancel email messages and/or restrict the size of email distribution lists. Newsgroup spamming also places an unnecessary burden on system resources. Cross- posting the same (or substantially similar) article to multiple Newsgroups is considered Spamming and is prohibited. RTC reserves the right to restrict access to any Newsgroup’s policies. User may not use IRC bots, or violate any policy of an IRC server, when using RTC Network and Services, including use of IRC-based telephony and videoconferencing. It is User’s responsibility to determine the acceptable use policies for any IRC server to which User connects.

Third Party Rules. Users may have access through the RTC Network and Services to search engines, subscription Web services, chat areas, bulletin boards, web pages, or other services that promulgate rules, guidelines or agreements to govern their use. Users must adhere to any such rules, guidelines, or agreements.

Inappropriate Actions. Users shall not use the RTC Network and Services to conduct activities that may be harmful to or interfere with the RTC Network and Services or any third party’s networks, systems, services, or Websites, including, but not limited to, flooding, mail bombing, or denial of service attacks. Users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the RTC Network and Services or the computers, accounts, or networks of another party. Users are also prohibited from any activity considered a precursor to attempted security violations, including, but not limited to, any form of scanning, probing, or other testing or information gathering activity. Inappropriate activity may result in civil or criminal liability. RTC will investigate such activity, and may involve and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in prosecuting Users involved in such activity.

Security. User is responsible for any misuse of RTC Network and Services. Therefore, User must take steps to ensure that others do not use User’s account to gain unauthorized access to RTC Network and Services. In all cases, User is solely responsible for the security of any devices User chooses to connect to RTC Network and Services, including any data stored or shared on that device. It is User’s responsibility to implement and maintain security procedures for User’s network or systems. RTC is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by hacking, attacks and other related activities.

Responsibility for Content. RTC takes no responsibility for any material created or accessible on or through the RTC Network and Services.                       RTC is not obligated to monitor such material, but reserves the right to do so. RTC will not exercise any editorial control over such material. In the event that RTC becomes aware that any such material may violate this AUP and/or expose RTC to civil or criminal liability, RTC reserves the right to block access to such material and suspend or terminate any User creating, storing or disseminating such material. RTC further reserves the right to cooperate with legal authorities and third parties in the investigation of alleged wrongdoing, including disclosing the identity of the User that RTC deems responsible for the wrongdoing.

Enforcement of Policy. The failure of RTC to enforce this AUP, for whatever reason, shall not be construed as a waiver of any right to do so at anytime. User agrees that if any portion of this AUP is held invalid or unenforceable, that portion will be construed consistent with applicable law as nearly as possible, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect.

Reporting Violations. Violations of this AUP may be reported to RTC at:

Battery Backup Disclosure


Your home phone service is provided with our state-of-the-art fiber optic network, and it requires A/C electric power to operate. To avoid a disruption of home voice service during a power outage – and to maintain the ability to connect to 911 emergency services, RTC Networks will install, or have previously installed, the battery backup power at this location.

Where to Obtain Your Battery Backup 
RTC would like to ensure that our customers are provided reliable backup batteries that allow you to continue to use your home voice services during a power outage. That is why we install a battery backup power for your home voice service, at no charge. The battery backup power source will also be replaced at no charge by RTC when needed.

What Your Backup Battery Can (and Can’t) Do for You 
The battery installed by RTC Networks is a backup unit and expected to last at least 8 hours on standby power. That means the backup battery should give you approximately 6 hours of talk time. If you require a battery backup with longer standby and talk time, you can purchase a 24-hour backup battery from RTC Networks for a one-time approximate cost of $199, which would be expected to last 24 hours on standby power and give you 18 hours of talk time. Be sure to purchase the battery model that matches the type of ONT that you have.  If the type of ONT that you have is a:

  • RTC ONT Style Calix 803G

The type of battery that you need is a:

  • Precision Power PP36L-12K-2 (Backup Battery for Calix 803G and Calix GP1101X-12 Volts.) [Calix GP1101X.]

If you live in a multiple dwelling unit (MDU), your backup battery may be in a shared location. If you live in a MDU and want to know where your battery backup is located, contact RTC Networks for location information. In an MDU situation, voice talk time may vary. Our backup battery does not provide power to any services other than voice. Home security systems, medical monitoring devices, routers and other equipment will not run on a home phone backup battery. Our backup battery does not provide power to any cordless telephones. In the event of a power outage, your cordless phones will not work. To have voice service you will need a standard, corded phone hooked up to a phone jack.

Instructions for Proper Care and Use of Your Battery
RTC Networks installs the battery according to manufacturer’s specifications. Environmental factors such as temperature can shorten your battery’s useful life. We recommend that you store your battery above 41°F and below 104°F. They will not last forever and should be replaced when your device starts to make a beeping sound, and/or the indicator light is no longer green. This indicates that the battery is depleted and must be replaced. You will need to contact RTC Networks at 701-862-3115 when your battery needs to be replaced.

Contact Information for Battery Power Backup 
If you have any questions regarding your battery power backup or if you would like to purchase a 24-hour battery backup, please contact RTC Networks at 701-862-3115 or email us at

Battery Backup Disclosure

Broadband Internet Service Disclosure

Updated June 2018


Reservation Telephone Cooperative (“RTC”) commits to the open and non-discriminatory use of the Internet by its customers and commits to use reasonable network management practices to ensure an open Internet. RTC will manage its network and provide access in accordance with the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s) Open Internet Rules (adopted December 21, 2010 in 25 FCC Rcd 17905) and in compliance with any future rules adopted by the FCC. RTC provides the following information about our broadband Internet access services. Our broadband Internet access services include our “High Speed Internet” service offered through four technologies:

  • Wireline Digital Subscriber Line (“DSL”)
  • Wireline Fiber-to-the-Home (“FTTH”)
  • Fixed wireless service through 700 MHz licensed spectrum (“Fixed Wireless”)
  • Wireless Wi-Fi service through RTC wireless hot spots (“Wi-Fi”)

We provide each of these High Speed Internet services through the network that we own and manage.

We welcome questions or comments about the information contained in these disclosures. You may contact us at or (800) 862-3115.


General description. We provide a variety of High Speed Internet service offerings to our residential and business customers. We provide the service over our broadband network and through third party fiber optic lines connecting to the Internet. We monitor our network and traffic patterns and make changes we deem necessary to manage and improve overall network performance. We use reasonable nondiscriminatory network management practices to improve overall network performance to ensure a high-quality online experience for all users. Our network management practices do not target any specific content, application, service, or device. As network management issues arise and as technology develops, we may employ additional or new network management practices. We will update this policy as necessary.

Transparency. RTC shall make available public information on its website regarding its network management practices, performance and commercial terms of its service sufficient for consumers to make an informed choice regarding their use of such services.

RTC will not unjustly or unreasonably prevent or interfere with competition among Content, Applications, Service, or Device Providers.

Related documents and disclosures. Our High Speed Internet service is also described and governed by:

Congestion management. We describe in this section network management practices used to address congestion on our network. RTC uses generally accepted technical measures to provide acceptable service levels to all customers, such as application-neutral bandwidth allocation, as well as measures to address service attacks, illegal content and other harmful activities to protect network integrity and reliability.

RTC reserves the right to prioritize traffic based on real time and non-real time applications during heavy congestion periods based on generally accepted technical measures. RTC may use other traffic management and prioritization tools to help ensure equitable access to the RTC network for all customers.

Congestion management practices used.

Network monitoring. We monitor our network for utilization trends. We receive regular reports showing changes in network traffic and congestion. We use this information to plan increases in bandwidth available, port additions, or additional connectivity to the Internet.

Types of traffic affected. Our congestion management practices do not target any specific content, application, service, or device.

Purposes of congestion management practices. Our broadband Internet network is a shared network. This means that our customers share upstream and downstream bandwidth. The goal of our congestion management practices is to enable better network availability and speeds for all users. Our congestion management practices serve to:

  • Help us adapt and upgrade our network to maintain or improve network performance as demand for our broadband Internet access service increases.
  • Help us adapt and upgrade our network to maintain or improve network performance as demand for higher bandwidth applications increases. Some examples of higher bandwidth applications are gaming, streaming movies, and streaming high definition video.

Congestion management criteria.

Network monitoring. Our network monitoring provides data to help us plan upgrades to our network, equipment, technology, and connectivity to the Internet. As demand for our broadband Internet access service increases, and as demand for higher bandwidth applications increases, we monitor effects on network performance and plan upgrades as we deem necessary. We have not established specific criteria to govern our upgrade decisions.

Effects on end user experience. Because our High Speed Internet network is a shared network, periods of high network demand may result in Internet traffic congestion. End users may experience reduced bandwidth or speed during these times.

Typical frequency of congestion. Congestion tends to occur during periods of peak demand for higher bandwidth applications. Generally, the frequency of congestion tends to increase during 7 pm – 11 pm, especially on Friday and Saturday nights. During peak usage times, priority is given to applications such as browsing, email, streaming, instant messaging, gaming and VoIP.

Congestion due to malfunctioning hardware and/or software will be remedied as quickly as network engineers can diagnose and identify the offending hardware / software.

Congestion due to malice will be remedied using any technique available, including protocol-aware filtering and rate-limiting, to control and limit the offending source. RTC may seek criminal charges against those who inflict network malice. RTC may also attempt to recover costs incurred from network malice.

Application-Specific Practices. This section discloses any application-specific practices we use, if any.

Management of specific protocols or protocol ports. To protect the security of our network and our customers, we block known hostile ports.

Modification of protocol fields. None.

Applications or classes of applications inhibited or favored. None.

Device Attachment Rules. This section addresses any limitations on attaching lawful devices to our network.

General restrictions on types of devices to connect to network. We place no general restrictions on lawful devices that a customer may connect our network, so long as the device is: (i) compatible with our network; and (ii) does not harm our network or other users. Our High Speed Internet service works with most types of PCs and laptops including Macs, and other Internet compatible devices like game systems and Internet-enabled TVs. If a wireless router is connected to our High Speed Internet service, wireless Internet compatible devices including computers, tablets, smartphones, and other devices can connect to our network. If a customer or potential customer believes they have an unusual configuration, our customer service department will help determine if there is a compatibility problem.

Certain equipment is required to connect to our network for High Speed Internet service. The specific equipment varies with the type of service.

FTTH Equipment. To use our High Speed Internet service delivered via FTTH, we must install an Optical Network Terminal (ONT) at the customer’s premises. The ONT then connects via a cable to a device called a Residential Gateway (RG). The customer connects a computer or other Internet enabled device to the RG through a Network Interface Card (NIC) for a wired connection or through a wireless antenna for a wireless device. A customer may obtain an RG from RTC or may use a compatible commercially available RG. If a customer has a question about RG compatibility, our customer service department will help.

DSL Equipment. To use our High Speed Internet service delivered via DSL, customer must have a DSL modem. The customer connects a computer or other Internet enabled device to the modem through a Network Interface Card (NIC) for a wired connection. Some DSL modems can also transmit a Wi-Fi signal for connecting wireless devices to our network. For DSL modems that do not transmit a Wi-Fi signal, a customer can attach a wireless router to the DSL modem for connecting wireless devices. A customer may obtain a DSL modem from RTC or may use a compatible commercially available DSL modem. If a customer has a question about DSL modem compatibility, our customer service department will help.

Fixed Wireless Equipment. To use our High Speed Internet service delivered via Fixed Wireless, customer must have a compatible wireless antenna. The customer can either connect a computer directly to the wireless antenna or can connect a wired or wireless router to the wireless antenna. Through the router, the customer can connect wired or wireless devices to our network. A customer may obtain a compatible wireless antenna from RTC or may use a compatible commercially available wireless antenna. If a customer has a question about wireless antenna compatibility, our customer service department will help.

Network and End User Security. This section provides a general description of the practices we use to maintain security of our network.

Practices used to ensure end user security, including triggering conditions.

Hostile port blocking: We block known hostile ports to prevent unwanted files, browser hacking and virus attacks.

Virus and Spam filtering: We filter email and website traffic for virus activity and Spam using industry standard virus scanning and prevention techniques. Should an email message be found to contain a virus or other harmful content, the message will be deleted without notification given to either the sender or the intended recipient(s).

Firewalls: RGs and DSL modems obtained from RTC have firewalls enabled. The firewall provides some protection against persons or programs that attempt to gain access to your computers or other connected devices through the Internet.

Practices used to ensure security of the network, including triggering conditions.

Virus and Spam filtering: We offer email and personal web site hosting. We filter email and website traffic for virus activity and Spam using industry standard virus scanning and prevention techniques. RTC will not ask you for your password in an unsolicited telephone call or email. If you believe your password has been compromised, you should immediately change your password to prevent the unauthorized use of it.

Blocking. RTC shall not unjustly or unreasonably block access to lawful content, applications, services or non-harmful devices, subject to reasonable network management.

Discrimination. RTC shall not unreasonably discriminate in transmitting lawful network traffic over a consumer’s broadband Internet access service, subject to reasonable network management practices.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Policy. When RTC receives a notice from a copyright holder or its authorized representative regarding an alleged violation of law by someone using an IP address identified as belonging to RTC , the following actions will be initiated:

  1. RTC personnel will review the address to determine whether the address is in use by RTC or by one of its customers. If the address has been assigned to an entity other than RTC, the DMCA notice will be forwarded to that entity for review and any action or response.
  2. If the address is assigned and used by RTC or one of its customers, RTC personnel will attempt to identify the user. If the offender cannot be identified, the RTC Agent listed on RTC’s Internet site, <AGENT>, will be notified so they can respond accordingly to the copyright holder or its agent. If the offender is identified, RTC will take the following actions:
    1. If the offender is an employee, the responsible supervisor will be notified and appropriate disciplinary action may be warranted. A copy of the violation will be filed by HR in the employee’s personnel file.
    2. If the offender is a customer, the customer will be notified by telephone or email of the offense. If it is a first time offense, the customer will be notified and advised that an alleged violation of copyright law has been received and that any further violations could affect the customer’s access to the Internet. Notification of a second offense will result in the same action. A third offense will result in notice that Internet service will be restricted for ninety (90) days to limit the ability to violate the A fourth offense will result in the termination of all Internet service.


General Service Description. Our High Speed Internet service enables a customer to connect an Internet-enabled device through either a wired or wireless connection. The equipment required to connect a computer or other device to the Internet depends on the type of High Speed Internet service used. For example, DSL requires a DSL modem, while Fixed Wireless requires a compatible wireless antenna. Through our High Speed Internet service, we serve as a local Internet service provider. Our High Speed Internet service enables residential and commercial subscribers to access all lawful content, applications, and services of their choice available on the Internet.

Service technology. We deliver our High Speed Internet service through four different service technologies, DSL, FTTH, Fixed Wireless, and Wi-Fi. The equipment required to connect a computer or other device to the Internet depends on the type of High Speed Internet service used. Our network is a shared network, which means that our customers share upstream and downstream bandwidth.

Expected and actual speeds and latency. We offer customers a variety High Speed Internet service levels. We provide a description of the expected maximum transfer speeds associated with each service level on our website, available at

Speed. The speeds we identify for each High Speed Internet service level are the maximum upload and download speeds that customers are likely to experience. We provision our customers’ modems and engineer our network to deliver the speeds to which our customers subscribe. However, we do not guarantee that a customer will actually achieve those speeds at all times. A variety of factors can affect upload and download speeds, including customer equipment, network equipment, congestion in our network, congestion beyond our network, performance issues with an Internet application, content, or service, and more.

Latency. Latency is another measurement of Internet performance. Latency is the time delay in transmitting or receiving packets on a network. Latency is primarily a function of the distance between two points of transmission, but also can be affected by the quality of the network or networks used in transmission. Latency is typically measured in milliseconds, and generally has no significant impact on typical everyday Internet usage. As latency varies based on any number of factors, most importantly the distance between a customer’s computer and the ultimate Internet destination (as well as the number and variety of networks your packets cross), it is not possible to provide customers with a single figure that will define latency as part of a user experience.

Actual speed and latency performance. Actual speed and latency may vary depending upon network conditions and other factors. Actual performance of our High Speed Internet access service in most cases will conform to national wireline broadband Internet speed and latency levels reported by the FCC.1

1 See FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology and Consumer Affairs Bureau, Measuring Broadband, A Report on Consumer Wireline Broadband Performance in the U.S., OET CGB DOC-308828A1, pp. 4-6 (Aug. 2, 2011) (available at:

DSL. The FCC has reported that customers of DSL-based broadband Internet services receive mean download speeds that are within 82% of advertised speeds during non-peak hours, and 77.5% of advertised speeds during peak hours. In addition, the FCC has reported that these same customers experience average latency delays of 44 milliseconds, increasing by an average of 47 milliseconds during peak hours

Fiber-to-the-Home. The FCC has reported that customers of fiber-to- the-home based broadband Internet services receive mean download speeds that are within 114% of advertised speeds during non-peak hours, and 113.5% of advertised speeds during peak hours. In addition, the FCC has reported that these same customers experience average latency delays of 17 milliseconds, increasing by an average of 18 milliseconds during peak hours.

Fixed Wireless. The FCC has not reported average actual speed and latency for Fixed Wireless service. We anticipate average actual speed and latency will be similar to DSL.

Wi-Fi. The FCC has not reported average actual speed and latency for Wi-Fi service. We anticipate average actual speed and latency will be similar to DSL.

Customer Speed Test. We provide an online speed test for our customers, available at In addition, after conducting a speed test, if a customer believes the results indicate underperformance of the level of service he or she subscribes to, our website provides that customer with an option to provide us a 15 minute recording of his or her Internet connection. We will use this information to troubleshoot our network.

Suitability of the Service for Real-time Applications. Our High Speed Internet service is suitable for typical real-time applications including messaging, voice applications, video chat applications, gaming, and Internet video. If users or developers have questions about particular real-time applications, please contact us through the contact information provided on page 1.


Specialized services offered to end users. We offer several specialized services over our network, sharing network capacity with our High Speed Internet service. Specialized services include Internet Protocol Television, and dedicated bandwidth to high volume business users, and video monitoring services.

Effects of specialized services on availability and performance of broadband Internet access service. Our specialized services have no effect on the availability and performance of our High Speed Internet service.


 Prices. Monthly prices for our High Speed Internet service are available at:

Usage-based fees.

 Fees for early termination.


Type of contract Termination Fee
Month-to-Month None
24-month term $200

Fees for additional network services. Fees for certain additional network services are available at

Privacy Policies. We do not disclose High Speed Internet service customer or use information to third parties except: (i) as necessary to provide our High Speed Internet service and to manage our network; or (ii) in response to law enforcement requests, court order, or as otherwise required or authorized by law.

Inspection of network traffic. We routinely monitor network and traffic patterns.

Virus and Spam filtering: We filter email and website traffic for virus activity and Spam using industry standard virus scanning and prevention techniques. Should an email message be found to contain a virus or other harmful content, the message will be deleted without notification given to either the sender or the intended recipient(s).

Storage of network traffic information. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) information is a code included in all network traffic that associates that traffic with a particular modem sending or receiving the traffic. We store DHCP information for at least 2 weeks.

Provision of network traffic information to third parties. We do not disclose High Speed Internet service customer or use information to third parties except: (i) as necessary to provide our High Speed Internet service and to manage our network; or (ii) in response to law enforcement requests, court order, or as otherwise required by law.

Use of network traffic information for non-network management purposes. We do not disclose High Speed Internet service customer or use information to third parties except:

  • as necessary to provide our High Speed Internet service and to manage our network; or
  • in response to law enforcement requests, court order, or as otherwise required by

Redress Options. End users or edge providers with complaints or questions relating to these disclosures should contact us through the contact information provided on page 1.

Practices for resolving end-user and edge provider complaints and questions. We will endeavor to answer questions promptly via email or voice. For complaints, we will provide an initial response in writing within 15 business days of receipt. We will attempt to resolve complaints informally, escalating the matter to senior management if needed.

Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI)

Special Notice Regarding Your Account Information

From time to time, RTC Networks changes its service offerings and makes available additional features and services, which may enhance and augment the service to which you are already subscribed. In order for us to determine which customers may benefit from the new services and enhancements, we will use information about your account from our databases, legally referred to as Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) unless you restrict that use in the manner described below. CPNI includes information such as the long-distance carrier and calling plan to which you are subscribed, calling features and plans to which you are subscribed, calling patterns and usage of various features, and charges associated with the services you subscribe to. Use of this data will allow RTC Networks to identify service offerings to meet your individual needs.

For this purpose, CPNI data will be used by RTC Networks and its affiliates only. This data will not be shared by RTC Networks with any other outside source except as necessary and required to provide the service(s) to which you are already subscribed, and unless we are legally compelled to do so.

You have the right under federal law to protect the confidentiality of your account information and restrict the use of CPNI data, and we have a responsibility to protect your data. To restrict the use of your CPNI data, you must call the business office toll-free at 0811 or 1.888.862.3115 during regular business hours, or email us at Your denial or approval for RTC Networks to use this data will not affect the provision of any services to which you subscribe. You may change your decision at any time and your decision will remain valid until you tell us otherwise. Again, we will only use your account information to market other telecommunications services and products RTC Networks offers, and no action is required unless you wish to restrict our use of your CPNI. You will still receive monthly bill inserts, newsletters, and other publications that are sent to all customers so that you are kept up to date on what is happening at RTC Networks.

We look forward to being able to serve your telecom needs more efficiently with new and existing products and services based on the information we know about your account.


Register your number on the National Do-Not-Call Registry

A national Do-Not-Call Registry has been established to address unwelcome
telemarketing calls. The registry applies to all telemarketers, with the exception of businesses with whom you have an existing relationship and certain nonprofit and political organizations. Commercial telemarketers are not allowed to call you if your number is listed on the registry.

Consumers may register their residential and wireless telephone numbers on the national Do-Not-Call Registry at no cost, either by phone or the Internet. To register by phone, call 1.888.382.1222. For TTY, call 1.866.290.4236. You must call from the telephone number you wish to register. You also may register, or obtain additional information, via the Internet at

Inclusion of your telephone number on the national Do-Not-Call Registry will be effective 31 days following your registration. Your number will remain on the registry permanently. You can also remove your number from the list at any time.

The Federal Communications Commission requires that this notice be provided to our customers on an annual basis.

Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) Annual Notice

Universal Service is based on the principle that all Americans should have access to a baseline level of voice and broadband internet access service. Landline (voice) services include local usage at no additional charge, 911 emergency access, and toll limitation services to qualifying low-income consumers. Voice and broadband internet services are available from RTC Networks (Reservation Telephone Cooperative) in these areas: Alexander, Arnegard, Beach, Garrison, Keene, Kenmare, Makoti, Medora, New Town, Parshall, Plaza, Stanley, White Sheild, and Watford City.

Effective July 1, 2022, monthly charges for these universal services are:

Basic local residential service     $22.46
(Including extended area service

Broadband Internet Access starting at     $80 (100 x 100 Mbps)

Access to emergency service     No additional charge
(Local government may assess a fee to pay for special equipment)

Toll Blocking     $0.00

Lifeline (Wireless, Landline or Broadband discount)     12/1/2022 

Landline     $5.25

Broadband     $9.25

(Toll blocking to prevent long distance calls from your phone is available at no charge to qualifying low-income consumers)

Tribal Lifeline                                                                         

Tribal Lifeline provides up to a $34.25 discount on the monthly bill for primary home phone or broadband service for residents of tribal lands.

Tribal Link-Up

Tribal Link Up provides a discount (up to $100) off initial hook up for primary home service. Available to customers who live on Tribal Land.                         

Fixed Federal, State and Local Prescribed Charges
Federal Subscriber Line Charge:

Residential & Single Line Business     $6.50
Multi-Line Business     $9.20

Universal Service Contribution Factor     28.9%
Telecommunications Relay Service     $.03
E911 Emergency Services     $1.00 – $2.00
Access Recovery Charge     $3.00

IP-Enabled Enhanced 911 (E911) Disclosure


1. Definitions. For the purposes of this Disclosure, the following capitalized terms are defined as follows:

“Dispatchable Location” means the Service Address and additional data that would permit a PSAP and emergency responders to locate a 9-1-1 caller in a reasonable amount of time. The Dispatchable Location may be the same as or different from the Service Address.

“E911 Service” means emergency calling by which a 9-1-1 call is routed to the PSAP assigned to the Service Address and information regarding the Dispatchable Location is provided to the PSAP.

“IP Services” means communications services using internet protocol (IP) in their delivery, including session initiation protocol (SIP), voice over internet protocol (VoIP), hosted IP voice or similar IP-based technologies or applications.

“MLTS” means a multi-line telephone system.

“NG911 Service” means E911 Service initiated and/or completed using IP Services. Depending on the capability of the IP Services and PSAP, NG911 may include not only voice but also multimedia data and geospatial location information.

“PSAP” means a public safety answering point for emergency 9-1-1 calls.

“Service Address” means the physical address provided by the customer and assigned to or associated with a telephone number provided by the Company.

2. Disclosure. NG911 Service works differently than traditional wireline and wireless E911 Service. These differences depend on the services, equipment and devices used to make the emergency call and on the location of the user making the call. Customers with NG911 Services are responsible for informing employees, guests, and other persons who may be present at the Service Address of the important differences and limitations of NG911 Service as compared to traditional wireline or wireless E911 Service. If a customer is uncomfortable with any of the terms, conditions, or limitations of NG911 Service described in this Disclosure, the customer may wish to consider also maintaining an emergency landline at the Service Address.

3. Dispatchable Locations for Emergency Calling. The Company will obtain from all customers a registered Service Address for all IP Services and/or equipment, including the Dispatchable Location where equipment will be installed, and service will be used. For any services utilizing an MLTS environment, the customer may be required to provide multiple Dispatchable Locations. Complete and accurate Service Address and Dispatchable Location information is essential for emergency responders to locate any users dialing 9-1-1 from a device at the location. The Company will not provide IP Services to a customer on an active telephone number and will not activate a telephone number that is intended to have NG911 Service, unless and until a Service Address, Dispatchable Location and any other required information has been provided to the Company. The registered Service Address and Dispatchable Location will be associated with a telephone number, which will be used to determine the closest PSAP when 9-1-1 is dialed. Before a customer changes the registered Service Address or Dispatchable Location associated with a telephone number or moves any service, equipment or device, it is important to contact the Company, so that the Company can confirm that the registered Service Address and Dispatchable Location are properly updated. The customer is solely responsible for providing the Company with complete and accurate Service Address and Dispatchable Location information for each telephone number and for keeping such information updated.

4. Functional Limitations of IP Services. IP Services, including NG911 Service, are subject to the following disclaimers and limitations:

i. NG911 Service will not operate in the event of a power failure or disruption. Should there be an interruption in power, IP Services (including NG911 Service) will not function until power is restored. Please note, customer premises equipment or devices may need to be reset. Customers may contact the Company for information and options concerning battery or other back-up power.

ii. NG911 Service will not operate if a broadband connection is disrupted. Service outages, interruptions or degradation of broadband service, or termination or suspension of service for any reason, will prevent use of IP Services, including NG911 Service.

iii. Failure to provide an accurate Service Address or Dispatchable Location for a telephone number may result in 911 calls being routed to the incorrect local PSAP and/or emergency responders being dispatched to the incorrect location. NG911 Service may not function, or calls may be routed to emergency responder who will not be able to assist if service, equipment or a device is moved to a different street address or location other than the registered Service Address and Dispatchable Location. It may take several days for any change in a registered Service Address or Dispatchable Location to be processed. The customer must notify the Company in advance of any changes to a registered Service Address or Dispatchable Location.

iv. Calls made using IP Services may be delayed or dropped due to the technical constraints of IP Services and underlying network architecture. Because of differences in technology, the impacts of network congestion, and/or reduced speed in the routing of emergency calls made utilizing NG911 Services are different than if the calls were made using traditional (non-IP) public switched telephone networks. If a 9-1-1 call cannot be completed, is dropped or disconnected for any reason, the PSAP and emergency responders may not be able to identify a phone number in order to call back. The Company relies on third party carriers for assistance in routing NG911 calls to local PSAPs or a national emergency calling center. The Company disclaims all responsibility and assumes no liability for the conduct of local PSAPs and the national emergency calling center and any third party carriers or service providers.

5. Limitations on Liability. The Company is not responsible for any service outages related to the loss of electrical power, connectivity, suspension, or termination of broadband Internet services, failure of third party IP technologies or applications, or other circumstances beyond Company’s reasonable control, including any failures resulting from events such as (but not limited to) acts of God, acts of nature, strikes, fire, war, riot, acts of terrorism and government actions. Except as otherwise required by applicable laws or regulations, the Company is not responsible for and shall have no liability relating to the performance of NG911 Service provisioned by any other telecommunications carrier or IP services provider, even if such service is accessed using the equipment or underlying IP Services provided by the Company.

6. Indemnification. In addition to any other indemnification obligations under applicable service contracts or terms of service (but without any duplication of recovery), the customer shall indemnify and hold the Company harmless against any and all damages, claims and expenses resulting from the customer’s failure to comply with any of the customer’s requirements or responsibilities described herein, including without limitation: (a) failing to provide a Service Address, Dispatchable Location or other required information; (b) providing an incomplete or inaccurate Service Address, Dispatchable Location or other required information; (c) failing to promptly update a Service Address or Dispatchable Location information in the event such address, location or information has changed or (d) the use of any service, equipment or devices at a location other than the Service Address and Dispatchable Location.

Statement of Non-Discrimination

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at

VoIP Phone Service Disclosure

If you have selected VoIP Phone Service, you acknowledge and understand that VoIP service is different in a number of important ways from traditional phone service, and you agree to inform any household residents, guests and other third persons who may be present at the physical location where you utilize the Service of the differences and limitations of the Service. Such differences include but are not limited to: The 911 service may not function in the event of power failure, or outage of, or termination of service with or by your Internet/service provider and calls from your location to any Enhanced 911 emergency center will report the physical address you provided when the service was initiated. To learn more about the limitations, read the full IP-Enabled Enhanced 911 (E911) Disclosure in the following section.

If you are unsure if you have VoIP or Traditional Phone Service with RTC Networks, please call our office and a member service professional will assist you.